
For Natalie Thomas

 My balcony and indoor garden Tomato, strawberry, kale, mint, rucola, parsley, garlic, sage and zuccini. My worm compost in a box. There´s soil, green waste and worms in the box. I usually let extra bio waste wilt on the top of the soil and later cover it with soil. This is not obligatory. Red wigglers. In ideal conditions they eat worth of they weight in a day.  I also put egg shells and egg carton in the compost. I grow some of my micro greens in boxes with a lid. Corn, for example, grows nicely in the darkness. Microgreens take 1-3 weeks to be ready to be eaten. Basicly they are mini versions of they adult counterparts. They are more nutritious and they are digested more easily. At the moment I get enough food from my adult plants, no big need to grow micro greens. All my plants are fertilized by worm compost. I also use egg shells and chicken manure pellets. Sometimes grow more multi purpose feed. Diluted urine is good. Sometimes I use the boiling water from eggs and rice. In the f